Choose from hotel and cabin lodging or stay at a fully equipped campsite inside Yellowstone National Park stocked with camping gear, your own picnic table, campfire pit and camp chairs.
Campground has showers, laundry facilities and a gift shop.
Meals cooked by a professional chef on host campsite or at your cabin or hotel lodging.
Fully customized itinerary tailor made for your family based on what you would like to do and based on your outdoor experience level.
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To reserve now write "Reserve Glacier" as your subject line. and let us know how many people are in your group. Hurry as these spots go quickly.
Sample Itinerary:
Land in Kalispell and if you have time, explore the southern part of the park and lookout for mountain goats. Perhaps if you would be bold enough to venture out further, cross the continental divide and continue on to Two Medicine and enjoy the Running Eagle Falls. Then Return for our 5-star dinner.
Wake up to a full breakfast ranging from French toast, omelets, pancakes, fresh fruit, juices, hot and cold beverages. Spend your day around Lake Mcdonald. If you wish, take a boat ride or horseback around the lake area.
Head up to the famous Going to the Sun Road. Stop off at some of the magnificent overlooks or just enjoy watching the runoffs from the side of the mountain. Then head to Logan Pass and take a walk to Hidden Lake or hike to Garden Wall to have a close look at some of the glaciers.
Travel to Many Glacier and explore the views or hike to Grinnell glacier while chancing upon wild life along your way. Then, travel to Canada, yes the park borders on Canada, so don't forget your passports. At Waterton Park you can relax by one of their many water ways and be satiated with your surroundings.
Head up to The northwest of the park and do some off road driving up to one of Glacier NP's many lakes before heading back home.